Topic: Overpayments
Key Points in Reviewing Unearned Income
How disqualifications appear on FSD Screen in IMS, instructions to call.
It is federally mandated that counties mark case folders as “DO NOT DESTROY’ when there is an overpayment on the case. Because all counties have begun imaging case records. Benefit Integrity and Recovery (BIR) has had to consider the best way to ensure these overpayment records remain intact and do not get deleted, that the […]
When to Make a Referral Before making a fraud complaint to the Office of Inspector General (OIG), ask yourself the following questions: Is there “reasonable suspicion” that a crime has occurred? If you believe there is, state your basis for reasonable suspicion on the 19MP001E (OIG-1) and include what law or policy you believe has […]
Oversees and preserves the integrity of DHS programs and services
When a worker determines that there has been an overpayment on a case, an overpayment memo must be emailed to the Benefits Integrity and Recovery Section (BIRS) at For a SNAP overpayment, please provide the following information, if applicable: Client name and case number Time frame of the overpayment Date case was corrected Discovery […]
The Print function allows you to print case notes using a date range. NOTE: If you select ALL you will print every case note! You may want to narrow your print parameters by using the following steps. In the Case Notes window, select the category of the Note Type you wish to print. Select how […]