Unclear Information in NON-Report Month

Guidance on Addressing Unclear Information

UpdatedHow to Determine Case Status (SNAP)

Determining Case Status using PS-2 Blocks C3 and C4

UpdatedAnnual Reviews – Best Practices

Best Practices for Annual Reviews

Mid-Cert Renewal: FAQs

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions regarding SNAP Mid-Cert Renewals: A Semi-annual benefit renewal household did not submit their MID-CERT Renewal in the 6th month (October). The client visited the county office on 10/30 and was not identified by support staff as being a Semi-Annual Reporter household. The request was put into application status for […]

Mid-Cert Renewal : Closure Codes

Benefit Reporter Households Closure Codes If the Mid-Certification Renewal (MCR) is not submitted or is incomplete, the section will close using code ‘36S’ as the reason for SNAP and medical. The closure code for childcare is ‘36.’ SNAP Only: In non-report months, if a change occurs and is reported the only valid closure codes are: Code # […]

Mid-Certification Renewals

Mid-Certification Renewal The term “Mid-Certification Renewal”, or “MCR” is use to describe benefits for which a renewal (but not a new application) is needed in order for those benefits to continue. Recipient Notification When a Human Services Center is included in the OKDHS Live! process the recipients in that service area will receive an “OKDHS […]

Reopening SNAP after MCR Closure

All Mid-Cert Renewals that are submitted and complete must be processed before or on the deadline for Processing Actions Requiring Advance Notice (Negative Deadline) of the current month. Refer to Appendix B-2 for deadlines for case actions. In the case where the MCR is submitted past the deadline, or if any outstanding verification is submitted […]

Mid-Cert Renewal : What Income Do I Use?

Verification of any consecutive thirty days income beginning with the fourth month forward may be used. If only the fourth month’s income is verified and provided, this is acceptable, unless the household indicates this income is not representative. Example: The Thomas household is due for a Mid-Cert Renewal for SNAP benefits effective 11-01-23. The household […]


Renewal – a review or redetermination of a person’s eligibility to continue to receive a benefit from DHS.  The length of time between renewals varies depending on the program. Policy regarding this term is located at: Child Care Subsidy: 340:40-5-1. Child care plan; 340:40-7-3. Age requirements; 340:40-7-8. Defining the need factor for child care benefits; […]


OKDHSLIVE – A web based system which allows clients to complete applications and benefit renewals and screen themselves for other benefits for which they may be eligible. Detailed systems information is available under Quest: OKDHS Live! Policy regarding this term is located at: Child Care Subsidy: 340:40-3-1. Application process; and 340:40-9-1. Review of child care […]