Topic: Notice
Timeframe of SNAP Expungement
Instructions on checking the status of LIHEAP Applications.
Instructions on submitting Remedy Ticket for Wrong Denial Code
Guidelines for using FDENY 59
If a person is working a minimum of 20 hours per week and receiving compensation for that work, then he is said to be “Meeting the Work Rule” and receive SNAP benefits without any time limit. However, the client must report if their hours drop below 20 per week so we can update the case status.
Time limits – a case action must be completed within a certain time frame. Policy regarding this term is located at: Child Care Subsidy: 340:40-3-1. Application process; 340:40-9-2. Case changes; 340:40-10-2. Client, worker, and provider electronic benefit transfer (EBT) responsibilities; and 340:40-13-5. Child care provider contracts. Public Assistance Procedures (all programs): 340:65-3-2.1. Counting days for […]
NOMI – is an acronym for Notice of Missed Interview.
Notice – when an action is taken to open, close, increase, or decrease benefits, the system sends a computer generated notice to a client. When a notice does not generate and should, the worker must issue a hand-generated notice.